The PhasmaFood project is funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 Framework Program and its objective is to create an innovative portable multi-sensor food scanning device that will enable food production and food distribution companies, authorities and consumers to assess food quality characteristics and detect food fraud and food safety threats. INTRASOFT International is the coordinator of PhasmaFOOD.


The workshop organized by PhasmaFOOD will take place on Thursday, 27 September at the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece.

phasmafood intrasoft

The workshop is aiming at presenting the project progress and the Prototype PhasmaFOOD device to an open audience and food industry representatives. The workshop will include complementary sessions that will presented the broader spectrum of IT-supported advances readily applicable to quality and safety applications for the food industry.

Honorary support to the workshop is provided by SEVT - the Federation of Hellenic Food Industry, that represents the Food & Drink Industry in national, European and international level.


More information is available here.